SU 2023 Kick-Off & Keynote Presentation
8:00am - 9:15am
Room Name
Foundry A
About the Course
Synergis University is pleased to announce that kicking off Synergis University 2023 as Keynote Speaker will be Westley Morris. Westley is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, speaker, motivator, and mindset coach and as SU Keynote, will challenge all of us to consider our own personal lives and how we view excellence so that we can bring that mindset to our organizations.
The theme for Synergis University 2023 is “Seek Operational Excellence”. And there’s no one better to help set the tone for the day than Westley Morris. Westley has a simple philosophy:
"When your why is greater than the how, success will be inevitable."
We all go through the motions – showing up every day and doing what is expected. But why? And how can we seek operational excellence within our own organizations? The answer might be simpler than you think. As Westley will show us, we first must turn inward to ourselves before we can seek to improve those items that are external to us - like work.
In seeking operational excellence, individuals are what make up any organization. The actions of those individuals help (or hurt) the overall successfulness of the entire organization. By learning to look inward and finding what truly motivates us individually, we can then turn to improving our larger organizations and seeking the operational excellence required to move into the future - innovatively and competitively.
“No matter how you feel, no matter what your mind says, you show up. You wake up, and you bring the best version of yourself, every single day. That’s what greatness is.” And that’s exactly what organizations need to seek their own operational excellence – a shared mindset among all, that you “show up”.
Westley was born into poverty. But he didn’t let his circumstances limit his success or dictate who he would be. Instead, he focused on improving himself, changing his mindset, and seeking excellence. And the results are hard to argue with:
Westley successfully took his family business to new heights – 7 figures of revenue and 10 employees.
He is a recipient of the Good Samaritan award from the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
Westley was also named one of the 2023 Most Influential Men of the Year by Lehigh Valley Style.
Westley has had the opportunity to work with top athletes from various professional organizations, including the NFL, PGA, MLB, NCAA, USATF, and the U.S. Olympics.
Westley has one of the most inspirational stories you will ever hear. It is a story of hope, resilience, perseverance, determination, and commitment. Westley captures the hearts and minds of his audience with his energetic speaking style and gives purpose to his audiences by giving them the tools they need to overcome any obstacle.
More importantly, Westley will show you how changing his own personal mindset allowed him to transcend his own environment and go on to achieve great results. We can all learn something about personal excellence from Westley and how to use that personal excellence to help within our own organizations to ‘seek operational excellence’.
We're excited to have Westley kicking off our event and his talk is sure to get everyone in the right mindset for a day full of Autodesk education and best practices, for seeking operational excellence in your own organizations!
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Session Tags:
Kick-Off, Synergis University 2023
Your Instructor
Westley Morris